Monday, April 12, 2010

The Truth About Drunk Driving

Joshalyn Robinson (shown in the image above) suffered the most dire consequences from someone else's decision to drink and drive. Now her family has to deal with that grief and loss because of something they could not have foreseen nor prevented. However, there are movements that have been gaining major headway in the battle against drunk driving.

Some of the drunk drivers out there consider themselves "safe drunk-drivers" because they in-fact go under the speed limit and that is only when they have to.... (I have never heard that before.........) To tell you the truth, the majority of drunk drivers do not share the same mentality. In fact 50-75% of drunk driving offenders whom had the license suspended continue to drive anyway.

These are the same people who have the mentality to drink and drive 87 times on average before they get caught by the police. That is 87 more times these people not only put their own life in jeopardy, but everyone driving on the road when the made the decision to do such a thing. The fact that in 2008 (just one year in our country) 11,773 people died due to alcohol related crashes is frightening.

The number of people arrested per year due to drunk driving is extremely alarming: 1.46 million were arrested in 2006. people arrested b It is because of people whom have mentalities like those that produce endless amounts of grief for not only the victim(s) but everyone who knew the victim(s).

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